- Represented an oil and gas exploration and production company in litigation concerning a dispute over an overriding royalty interest, resulting in a favorable settlement for the client.
- Successfully defended a major midstream company against contract claims brought against it by a large independent oil and gas exploration and production company that it had improperly allocated natural gas and natural gas liquids under a gas processing agreement and collateral contracts.
- Represented an oil and gas investment fund in connection with a contract dispute regarding its acquisition of certain oil and gas properties pursuant to the terms of a purchase and sale agreement.
- Represented an independent oil and gas exploration company in connection with its response to a drilling incident resulting in property damage, personal injury, and OSHA oversight.
- Advised a vertically integrated oil company in connection with a contract dispute over the interruption of jurisdictional oil pipeline service.
- Advised a major vertically integrated oil company in connection with regulatory compliance options and other issues associated with its conduct of midstream operations.
- Represented an independent oil and gas exploration company in connection with various insurance claim and regulatory compliance issues arising out of an unprecedented set of circumstances following a well blowout.
- Represented a small independent oil company in its defense against contract claims and environmental compliance issues arising out of its sale of certain mineral properties, resulting in a mutually beneficial settlement for the parties.
- Represented a national banking corporation in connection with its enforcement of its secured interests in collateral and in the proceeds of certain assets identified in the hands of third parties pursuant to garnishment proceedings filed in the state district court.
- Represented an overriding royalty interest owner in its pursuit of a breach of contract claim against the well operator for withholding payment of certain overriding royalties.
- Represented one joint working interest owner against another in a breach of contract dispute over a development agreement, including the duty to assign a working interest and the right to operate the well.
- Represented an oil and gas company against a successor oil company’s statutory and contractual claims of environmental contamination and breach of warranty.
- Represented various oil companies in trespass to try title disputes.
- Represented an oil and gas operator in a breach of contract suit against a non-operator alleging breach of joint operating agreement.
- Represented one joint working interest owner against another in a contract and title dispute over their respective rights to conduct competing operations in the wellbore of a horizontally severed mineral estate.
- Represented a well operator against a directional drilling contractor for negligently failing to provide proper equipment and causing damage to a horizontal well.
- Represented the original equipment manufacturer of offshore drilling equipment in defense of an international business disparagement claim brought by a European drilling equipment distributor.
- Represented a well operator against a drilling contractor for cost overruns, lost equipment, and negligent loss of the well.
- Represented a gas plant operator in defense of common law trespass and nuisance claims brought by a neighboring mineral interest owner arising out of hydrogen sulfide injection operations.